introduction {biography}

Hello tokki! Welcome to ma world - you know what I mean? Anyway, I'm Maggie (real : Margaret Lyvia ; taken from "
Meleagrina margaritifera"). Okay, I'm just kidding about
Meleagrina margaritifera. My name means "pearl" which means I'm as valuable as "pearl" for my parents.
I'm just a normal student that has plenty of high hopes (that for sure I can't reach them). I want to be a designer, an artist, or a singer (any job that doesn't including remembering something).
September 28, 1997 - my favorite day. It's the day when I was born, came to this world as a baby. I love anything that's related to 8 or 9 (lucky numbers!!!). Moreover, I like even numbers (somehow, they look great in my eyes).
Should we do trivia? :) [ask anything if you want at my chatbox]
- I have habit of licking lips - my lips are dry
- I'm more hyper when I'm tired or hungry
- I forgive someone easily (except if that person keeps do the same mistake)
- Height/weight : 159cm/48kg
- I'm a lazy virus
- I laugh for a quite long time & loud - my friend said that my laugh was too high pitched & it hurt her ears LOL
- I smile to everyone (except strangers :D)
- My love for KPOP can't be handled! I'm a BABY from B.A.P's debut
- I like cat more than dog (even though I've a soft spot for dog too)
- I know Indonesian, English, Chinese, and Korean Language
- I hate remembering something (especially lessons) because I'm bad at it
- I get closer to stranger by telling them my bad habit
- I write fanfictions (pst, don't tell anyone :p)
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